5 Best Practices For Document Management with SharePoint

5 best practices for document management with SharePoi nt

  SharePoint is steadily gaining increased rate of acceptance among organizations as their primary document management platform. A survey conducted by AIIM in early 2016 revealed that 28% of the major organizations are already using it, while more are testing the waters before taking the plunge. Team Collabion did some research and put together a […]

4 Stats Worth Knowing about SharePoint

4 SharePoint stats infographic

There can be no doubt that the latest version of Microsoft SharePoint is rapidly climbing the ladder towards becoming the most popular enterprise level collaboration platform ever developed. Our team snuck a peek into the state of the market and came across the following 4 amazing stats.

3 Best Practices for SharePoint Document Libraries

3 Best Practices for SharePoint Document Libraries

The Document Library is the heart of SharePoint, and managing it properly simplifies an admin’s tasks. That said, it is easy to feel overwhelmed at the sheer number of options that the platform provides. That’s why we have listed here the best practices that are easy to follow for admins, and offer maximum returns in […]